
Edmodo Tutorial

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  1. Mrs Singh do i have to write here ,about sun moon and stars or on Edmodo.

  2. No Aryan you have to comment on the Blog under the Sun, Moon and Stars post.

  3. It looks like the sun moves but it realey is not.The can not be a full moon evryday. stars can realy have names.


  4. The SUN lies at the heart of the solar system, sun is one of more then hundred billion stars in the milky way.

    The MOON is the planet for the earth and it rotates around the earth.

    The Star Stars are massive shining spheres of hot gas, the closest of which is our Sun
    by Aryan saxena

  5. Edmodo website is down and this is the message we got:

    "The site is still down. This is a server issue related to Amazon and we will update everyone as soon as we have more info. Thanks for your patience"

  6. mrs.sighn how do you create the password for the wiki.

  7. Amaris, I changed a few settings on the wiki you will be able to access it without creating a password. Try using it and let me know if it works.
