Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Skyping with Kate McMullan

Today we skyped with Kate McMullan and it was wonderful!

Remember to visit her website http://www.katemcmullan.com/ to get more information on her books.

By Friday, January 11, 2013 write a paragraph about your experience on speaking to a famous author. What words of advice did Ms. McMullan have for you to become a better writer

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Grammar Words

Click on Cooper on your RIGHT to listen for directions 

Boys and Girls,
Please read all the 25 grammar words and also listen to the video for each grammar word. By December 7, 2012 we will start creating a voice thread for these words. 
  1. NounA word that names a person, a place, a thing, or an idea. A noun can tell who or what (video on Noun)
  2. who


        AdjectiveA word that describes a noun
    Some adjectives tell how many. Other adjectives tell what kind
    (Video on Adjectives)
    What kind  
    My dog likes to swim in the pond. 
    My big dog likes to swim in the pond.
    How many   
    My dogs like to swim in the pond. 
    My three dogs like to swim in the pond.
  3. Antonym: A word opposite to another in meaning. (video on Antonym)
          I stood near the hot stove because I felt cold
         The huge brown bear sniffed her tiny cub.

    4Synonym: A word that has the same or almost the same meaning as another word. (video on Synonym)

         Mrs. Barnes was caught in the rain.

        The afternoon shower lasted only a few minutes.

    5. Sentence: A group of words that forms a complete thought. 
       A sentence begins with a capital   letter, ends with an end mark, and has a subject and a predicate. (video on sentence)

enjoy baseball games.
How old is your sister?
What big cats those tigers are!

 6. SubjectThe part of a sentence that names the person or thing the sentence is about. The subject is usually at the beginning of a sentence. (video on subject)


7Predicate: The word or words that tell what the subject of the sentence is or does. (video on predicate)


8Verb: The main word in the predicate of a sentence. It tells what the subject is or does. (video on verb)

9. Linking Verb: verb that links the subject of a sentence to a word or words (in the predicate) that rename or  describe the subject. (video on linking verb)

Subject     Linking Verb     Predicate

Hedi is the star of the play.

She is an actress.

The audience seems very pleased with her performance.

10. Adverb: A word that describes a verb. An adverb may tell how, when, or where an action happens. (video on Adverb)

Allison's cat which is very large sleeps soundly. 
11. Pronoun: A word that takes the place of one or more nouns. Here are some pronouns (video on pronoun)

I   me  he him  she  her  it
you  we   us  they  them

Jim and Luen would like to share the ice-cream with Tara
They would like to share it with her
12. Common Noun: A word that names any person, place, thing, or idea. A common noun begins with a lowercase letter. (video on common noun)




cat       bird       fish       dog



book       pencil
shoe       bike
building         city         school         park

13. Proper Noun noun that tells the exact name of a person, place, or thing. Words that name people, places, titles, holidays, days of the week, and months of the year are proper nouns. Proper nouns are always capitalized. (video on Proper Noun)

14. Singular Noun: A noun that names one person, place, thing, or idea. (Video on singular noun)


15. Plural Noun: noun that names more than one person, place, thing, or idea. Add s or es to make most nouns plural. If a word ends in a consonant and y, change they to i and add es. (video on Plural noun)






16. Possessive Noun: 
A noun that shows ownership. An apostrophe or an apostrophe s are added to show possession. (video on possessive nouns)
Singular Possessive Nouns
Regular Plurals
Irregular Plurals
girl's coat (one girl)
baby's blanket (one baby)
horse's saddle (one horse)
man's pen (one man)
child's book (one child)
woman's office (one woman)
Plural Possessive Nouns
Regular Plurals
Irregular Plurals
girls' coats (more than one girl)
babies' blankets (more than one baby)
horses' saddles (more than one horse)
men's pens (more than one man)
children's books (more than one child)
women's office (more than one woman)

17. Article
A word in a special group of adjectives that includes a, an, and the (video on article)
18. Contraction:                                                                

A short way to write two words. When a contraction is made, one or more letters are left out. An apostrophe takes the place of the missing letter or letters. (video on contractions)

You will    you'll
I will           I'll
Is not       isn't

19. Exclamation
sentence that shows strong feeling. Use an exclamation point at the end of an exclamation (video on Exclamation)
You surprise me!
Wow, I am excited about this trip!
What a beautiful place this is!

A word that sounds like another word and is spelled the same but has a different meaning. (Video on homograph)

 Fran walked home because her bike had a flat tire.
After an hour of walking, Fran began to tire.

A word that shows how a noun or a pronoun is related to another word in the sentence. Here are some prepositions: (video on preposition)

A word that joins two or more words, phrases, or clausesAnd, or, and but are conjunctions. (video on conjunction)
My brother plays the flute, but he doesn't practice much.
Ken or Tony will arrive early and leave late.
A word or a group of words that express strong feeling. You can separate an interjection from the rest of a sentence with either an exclamation point or acomma, depending on the strength of the feeling. (video on interjection)
sentence that asks a question. An interrogative sentence ends with a question mark. (video on interrogative sentence)
How long have you lived there?

When will you be home?
25. Tense

The verb form that tells the time of the action. It tells whether the action is happening now, has happened in the past, or will happen in the future. (video on tense)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Phases of the Moon Podcast

Thanks to Mr. Egan and Ms. Fackelman who helped us create this podcast.

Boys and girls you all sang very well. 
We are very proud of you!

Here is the link to the Podcast

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Magic Tree House

Play the Magic Tree House game, learn about the books, take passport quizzes, read Tree House Mail, and check out the Magic tree House on Stage. 

Have fun playing all the activities from this website. Do not sign up for anything on this website unless you have checked with your parents.

By Friday, November 2, 2012 write a paragraph explaining your experience with the games on this website.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Moon

The Moon

Investigation 2: The Moon
CycleNew Moon
Lunar cycleFirst-quarter Moon
MoonThird-quarter Moon
Night skyFull Moon
OrbitCrescent Moon
PlanetGibbous Moon
StarWaxing Moon
Moon phaseWaning Moon

                                   Lunar Calendar

Please check out the Vocabulary words for Investigation 2

Foss Website: http://www.fossweb.com/modules3-6/SunMoonandStars/index.html

The Phases of the Moon Song 
To the tune – 
The Wheels on the Bus

Click on the 'wheels on the bus' to get an instrumental version

Written by Myra Lingle

The phases of the moon go round, and round,
Round, and round, round and round
The phases of the moon go round, and round,
All through the month.

The new moon is the phase where you can’t see
Any light, any light,
The new moon is the phase where you can’t see
Any light, any light at all.

The waxing crescent has a sliver of light,
Sliver of light, sliver of light,
The waxing crescent has a sliver of light
A sliver of light on the right.

The first quarter phase is half lit up,
Half lit up, Half lit up,
The first quarter phase is half lit up
The right half has the light.

The waxing gibbous is more than a half
But not quite full, not quite full.
The waxing gibbous is more than a half
The full moon will be next.

The full moon is a circle of light,
Circle of light, circle of light,
The full moon is a circle of light,
That lights up the night sky.

The waning gibbous is less than full,
Less than full, less than full,
The waning gibbous is less than full,
Coming after a full moon.

The third quarter phase is half lit up,
Half lit up, half lit up,
The third quarter phase is half lit up,
The left half has the light.

The waning crescent has a sliver of light,
Sliver of light, sliver of light,
The waning crescent has a sliver of light,
The light is on the left.

                       That’s our song about the phases of the moon, 
Phases of the moon, phases of the moon, 
That’s our song about the phases of the moon, 
A natural cycle of Earth.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sun, Moon and Stars


In Science we will be learning about the SunMoon and Stars.
Hope you enjoy some of the websites and get valuable information on the Sun, Moon and Stars. 

Have fun exploring this interactive website on sun, moon and stars. While playing the game please read all the information they give you about the sun, moon and stars. 

After playing the games and learning about the Sun, Moon and Stars, write an important fact about each one of them. This assignment is due by
Friday, October 5, 2012

Good Luck and have fun!

Click on the website Earth, Moon and Sun and Play some games on it. Here is the URL for it  http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/science/physical_processes/

Remember to browse through the vocabulary words. 

Investigation 2: The Moon
CycleNew Moon
Lunar cycle
              First-quarter Moon
                  Third-quarter Moon
Night skyFull Moon
     Crescent Moon
PlanetGibbous Moon
StarWaxing Moon
Moon phaseWaning Moon

Lunar Calendar
Look at the Lunar Calendar if you cannot see the Moon